Testicular cancer is cancer that usually attack the men. It is a cancer that grows and develops in the male reproductive organs.
In addition to harmful, there are other facts you need to know about this disease. Here are 10 facts about testicular cancer:

1. The risk of men affected by testicular cancer is 1 of 250
2. This cancer of 1% in men of all cancers
3. Testicular cancer usually attack young men aged 20-39 years
4. Testicular cancer has the greatest chance of healing compared to other cancers (> 90%)
5. Although this disease is curable can still be re-
6. This cancer most attacking male Caucasians, while African and Asian men's race are rarely attacked by this disease
7. There are two types of this cancer, namely seminomas or slow growing cancer and non-seminomas or cancer that develops rapidly
8. Common symptoms of testicular cancer is the presence of pain or pain in the testicles
9. Important factor affecting among others cryptochidism, family history, goiter and hernia
10. Surgery for cancer will not affect fertility, but the chemotherapy will affect the quality of sperm.
Although most of the men suffered minor risk of this cancer, but men need to be wary. Still, the disease is no small thing. Then, what about your spouse?
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